Monday, 6 May 2013

4 - Who would be the audience for your media product?

For my magazine I thought at the start I would aim it at males and females in the 16-24 year old demographic. I then changed my mind as thinking about what I understood more and what I could do better work at would be about just females. From knowing this I did an online survey on Questionpro which would help me find out more about females, I did around eight questions to find out about what my audience liked about magazines and some information about them my readers so that I could use this in the creation and research of my magazine. I had to make sure these questions would be related to my magazine and help me in the construction of my magazine because I would be using this to give me a basic idea of what to have in the magazine, the questions all had to relate to the audience I was aiming to target. I had to post my questionnaire on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter as I knew most of females aged 16-24 would be using social media to communicate and would see my questionnaire I did this to get a large sample to make my results more accurate to a bigger population around sixty respondents but of mainly females. From the information I found it gave me quantitative results on my audience, I then had to write about the results I found on power point and do a presentation the information to show I did understand what I found out, the slides contained the results with graphics/graphs and pictures which were relevant to what I found. The graphs showed what the statistics of my answers I found from the audience and helped me make decisions. The presentation I did was recorded and I uploaded it to YouTube here is a link to watch it From the information I found I had to shorten it all up so I created an audience profile on the information I found but a simple version just rounding up everything I found:

help me find out more about females, I did around eight questions to find out about what my audience liked about magazines and some information about them my readers so that I could use this in the creation and research of my magazine. I had to make sure these questions would be related to my magazine and help me in the construction of my magazine because I would be using this to give me a basic idea of what to have in the magazine, the questions all had to relate to the audience I was aiming to target. I had to post my questionnaire on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter as I knew most of females aged 16-24 would be using social media to communicate and would see my questionnaire I did this to get a large sample to make my results more accurate to a bigger population around sixty respondents but of mainly females. From the information I found it gave me quantitative results on my audience, I then had to write about the results I found on powerpoint and do a presentation the information to show I did understand what I found out, the slides contained the results with graphics/graphs and pictures which were relevant to what I found. The graphs showed what the statistics of my answers I found from the audience and helped me make decisions. The presentation I did was recorded and I uploaded it to YouTube here is a link to watch it

My audience profile shows that I decided to aim my magazine at females, I made this decision as most the people who answered my questionnaire where females so most the information I found would be mainly the answers they gave over the males answers, this also was a benefit as I knew more about what females liked in general then I did about males. My audience profile also shows that the magazines demographic will be people aged 16-24 I choose to keep to this response because I could relate to the magazine because I am in this demographic and feel I have wider knowledge about what they would like in a magazine and I could codify my magazine more at that age group. On the audience profile it says that the audience class is B/C1 this is a demographic classing system which was created by the national readership survey to grade people based on their occupation, the B/C1 audiences is in the middle of low middle class and working class audience. I choose this audience because I felt the stories which I would be writing about and the images I would have in my magazine these two classes would find more appealing then to an upper class status person. I wanted to find out what sort of women my audience found attractive and who they would pick out a group of other people. I found that 60% of my replies found Beyoncé as the most attractive. To find out what sort of music magazine I should have, I had to ask this demographic what they’re into and like to listen to. From asking this question I found that most of my audience were into R&B and a few were into Pop, Rap and Hip Hop. From this I decided to go mainstream with my magazine and mainly focus on R&B but added bits of other music types into my magazine.

The audience profile also shows that my target demographic is still in education and not working. I found this by asking them what they do for a living all the people who were females and aged 16-24 were still in education. This helped me because I should have my magazine a bit educational making sure that the magazine was not too childish but it was just right for this demographics needs and wants. I also wanted to know people who would be role models and what sort of people and information I should include in the magazine. Most of the results as shown that the role models were family members, Bill gates, Beyoncé and Rihanna from this I knew more about my audience I included stories about Rihanna and Beyoncé in the magazine and I took in count about family members. The last thing my audience profile shows was the price people would pay for a magazine. Most of my audience would pay around £2-3 for their magazines. This gave me the idea of how much I should have my magazine. I choose the price of £2.00 because I felt this was an average amount people would like to pay, not making it too expensive all of them are still in education so don’t have much money.

As you may see my audience profile shows some pictures, these pictures are off feminine things which relate to females of my demographic. The pictures are what females of 16-24 years old liked such as male bodies, clothes they wear and accessories which they like­. I choose to include these pictures because they are the dreams and aspirations of what people ideal wants. I got this from the survey results and my own research on females. These pictures convey to my audience because images such as heels and nail polishes is what females have a lot of or like a lot. All the pictures related to what I think my findings on female are and they are products and gadgets that most females from my demographic socialise with or have on day to day lives. 

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